Christmas Angels

December 04, 2012  •  3 Comments


Debbie and Ray (Christmas Angels)

The day started with Jimmy taking Harrison to school and heading to work. On his lunch break he brought me the suburban so Braxton and I could take him back to work. (We are down to one vehicle) He left me with this thought, “babe, I put gas in its not much we need it to last”. I agreed. See, we are in a very lean time in our family right now. It can be frustrating at times to say the least. It would be very easy to have a pity party.

Now, this is where the day gets interesting. On 4th and Frankford I see this little couple walking from Wal-Mart. Because of their build and other physical indicators I can tell they are somewhat mentally handicapped. What made them stand out is they are carrying a huge box from Wal-Mart. (it had one of those game tables in it that you can play fuse ball, air hockey,) It was a long flat box and they each had an end of the box, and they had placed their pizza box on top of that, and were making their way down the road. Another interesting fact, they looked to be in there 60’s. Honestly I couldn’t believe what I was seeing the wind was blowing, and they couldn’t decide who should be walking backwards.

I pulled up and said, “hey guys, I can fit y’all in here, can I give you a lift, where you headed?” The response, “we are going to Shallowater”. My jaw laterality dropped and I yelled “Shallowater?” You see two problems, I had stuff I needed to do before I had to get Harrison, and remember my husband has told me to make the ¼ tank of gas last.

I think they saw my shock, and said, “we are stronger than we look, its ok, we will make it.”

I smiled and said “I know you are, but why don’t I give you a lift this time.”

As I loaded the game table in the back I was shocked at how heavy it was, and these two are so small. The man, Ray opened the front door for his wife. Then he got in the back seat. Braxton was watching Ice Age in the back. Ray proclaims, “oh boy, honey I got a ride and a show back here.” Debbie says, “oh good honey I know how you love TV”. “She looks at me pats her pizza box and said, “I love pizza”. I asked Debbie if the game table was a gift. She said, “oh yes, it’s a gift from my daddy who is in heaven with Jesus.” She laughed and said, I bought it but I know he wants me to have it, so I’m going to wrap it and put it under the tree”. She then looks at me and says, Angie I want you to know, God is good all the time, yep, that’s my favorite saying and I even know a song about it.” Debbie then sings me her favorite song.” Does anyone know how hard it is to drive with your eyes full of tears? (Or type LOL)

I wish I could explain how many times I have tried to be a blessing to people and God causes the situation to be a blessing to me. I know with all my heart that, when I thought I was being his hand and feet and that I was the one ministering. God, giggled a bit and said, “watch this”, and in fact I was the one who received ministry. Indeed Debbie, God is good all the time.

I have no doubt that had I not stopped God would have provided a ride for Debbie and Ray. The issue is if I had not stopped I would have missed out on experiencing the heart of Christ. I have had such peace and joy since my little ride with Debbie and Ray, I am so glad My savior is mindful of me. I know my family is in a tight spot last 6 months, but we are smart and health and know that OUR God has never failed us, even when we fail every day He never will. 


Angie Ragan Photography
love too Starr, I sure miss you!
Thx mom! I still am tearing up when i think of Debbie and Ray I think i am going to take them a pie or something.
Love this and love you.
KAREN RAGAN(non-registered)
That made me cry. You were God's servant yesterday, serving the body of Christ. Such a wonderful Christmas story you were part of. God Bless you !!
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